Numbering Schemes

Multiple numbering schemes can be attached to different types of Audit Management records. Default numbering schemes are provided with the application, however, you can create your own or modify the existing default schemes' formats. SmartSolve numbering scheme objects use .NET formats. There are five default numbering schemes supplied with the system:

Important Information about Numbering Schemes

User Rights

The following rights must be assigned to a user for that user to manage or view numbering schemes:

Rights Description


Allows the administrator to add a new object, modify an existing object, or delete an object.


Allows the user to access and view objects.

NOTE: See Right Groups for more information on assigning rights groups to users.

See Also

Accessing Numbering Schemes

Modifying Numbering Schemes

Creating Numbering Schemes

Attaching Multiple Numbering Schemes



Wednesday, December 4, 2019
12:03 PM